Academy Scholarships are offered for a Diploma in Cruise ship operations, Hospitality and Care services onboard our associate cruise ships. There is no time limit to gain true competency assessment in the Diploma.
Graduation at Cert. III or Cert. IV can be negotiated within your scholarship.
Scholarship benefits are:
- Building life long friendships
- Living in a cruise ship visiting many fabulous places
- Learning alongside highly experienced mentors
- Building a multi-skilled set of competencies
- A detailed work experience log and reference
- Introduction to employment opportunities
Continuation review and interview:
- after 6-week summer school or 3 x 2 week vac.schools
- after 10 week participation in the program
Program delivery: All our programs are residential, either onboard cruise ships operating regular cruise schedules on the Australian coast (Brisbane, Sydney, Hobart, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane) and in the South Pacific Islands.
Vac.School: A 6-week school holiday program, either as 6 weeks summer or 3 x 2-week term vacs. designed to provide school leavers with a taste of Australian Cruise Academy life. Click here for details
Entry to Diploma course: February or July of each year. Click here for Application Details
Minimum scholarship contract: 10 weeks which can be extended with a good report and by agreement. There is no limit to the time you require to achieve competency.
Core: Essential units are shipboard safety, Provide First Aid, VHF Marine Radio Operator certificate and the hospitality certificate core. RPL Credit for current training will be considered.
Elective Selection: In addition, we offer a selection of elective programs to build your program. Client Care Services and outdoor recreation units are an overlay in all ACA course work. There is no limit to the time you spend achieving your goals. You can extend your portfolio over a wide range at the cert.III level or extend vertically into Cert.IV within your Diploma. You gain formal recognition of competency at your own rate. There is no set time to achieve competency. You can volunteer for as much time and experience as you wish. Your course has a minimum practical time requirement that must be completed.
You can elect to graduate at Cert.III or Cert.IV level and move on.
Training package units available for electives:
- Maritime (Coxswain 1, Linesperson)
- Cruise Hospitality (Foodservice, Bar Service, Housekeeping)
- Cruise Tourism (Reception, Tour guiding, Sales & marketing)
- Water-based Outdoor Recreation (Boat Licence, Sea Kayak, Snorkeling, SCUBA)
- Personal care services
Your opportunity
- Your scholarship gives you the opportunity to experience full time rostered working with ships crew as a trainee. Rostered time as specified in your training contract is a requirement. There is no offer of employment. This scholarship offer is an opportunity for you to gain supervised experience as a volunteer.
- It gives you the opportunity to receive good reference and report of your effort and abilities while taking advantage of this voluntary opportunity.
Our requirements
- a minimum training contract is for 10 weeks during semester time or 6 weeks for Summer school or Vac schools.
- you maintain your personal presentation, your personal space and student common spaces in an immaculate, clean and tidy state.
- you spend at least 20 hours per week on structured classes and rostered real work activity experience. Study assignments are done in your own time.
- there is no limit to the amount of time you wish to volunteer beyond your training requirement
- you wear smart shipboard academy uniform while on real work activities.
- you give your full attention and effort when attending to your tasks.
- The rest of the time onboard is yours to enjoy the cruise.
- You can remain with the ship, progressing in your programs and volunteering your time for as long as you wish,
- so long as you comply with our requirements.
- You maintain your fortnightly donation to your scholarship.
Your Academy Masters onboard will assist you to remain focussed on your course work and are available to assist you in any matter of concern.