We offer a training path to permanent Australian Visa at College on Murray.
This is a three-year training path to permanent residency in Australia. We can not guarantee success. Your success will be determined by your commitment to being an active, friendly, willing learning partner in our Residential Resort Campus, the workshops, the restaurant and working with the boats on the Murray River in South Australia.
You help us, we help you.
Step 1
Enrol in a course with us using a Student Visa. We will train you for a position that is on the Australian Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List of available work opportunities in Australia (MLTSSL). We offer two courses from the list:
- Boat Builder and Repairer (2-year program)
- Chef (2-year program)
If you already have skills and interest in either of these work areas this will be an advantage.
Step 2
After successful graduation from that course, you may be eligible to apply for the 485 Graduate Visa. This is a temporary work visa 485. We will only help you with the next step if you show us throughout your training program that you are an excellent worker and good person.
Step 3
On the 485 graduate visa, you must undertake the Job Ready Program through TRA, an extra paid work opportunity supervised by us. This requires 12 months of paid work experience and can approve a positive skills assessment for migration purposes. We can arrange this within our resort and boating industry enterprises.
Step 4
Finally, after receiving a positive skills assessment you may be eligible to apply for General Skilled Migration Visas – State Nominated, Regional Nominated or Independent Skilled Permanent Work Visa. The Murray Lands Region has many work opportunities and high demand for good workers.
Phone Principal Bouc on +61 4 1883 6137 for discussion on this opportunity.
Last Modified on 08/09/2019 11:46