What is "A Good Person"?
The key to a successful life as a "Good Person" is moral courage, character and strength. Personal well-being, includes personal ethics, the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong, the intangible quality we call Moral Courage, the ability to live a good life. It includes helping, being friendly and laughing a lot, not laughing at BUT laughing with. It also talks about building and maintaining friendships and accepting friends as they are. We all need good friends to share good and bad times.
The Academy Shield reminds us about being a good person
The Stars have provided guidance and inspiration over thousands of years for people who work and live with boats and ships. This is more than a coincidence. The time taken alone in deep contemplation while watching the brilliant stars on a clear dark night generates a feeling of wonder and eventually recognition of our place in the universe as a living being and start questioning why we are here. Quiet time or meditation is essential on a regular basis to allow our brain to process feelings and to generate a one-ness with the universe. We then start thinking about how we can make the best of our chance at life and be a good person.
Follow Your Guiding Star helps reminds us of this aspect of a balanced successful life. Academy encourages personal growth and ethical development within the ideas of your particular faith or beliefs. We do not preach. You need to find them for yourself. Academy Masters will encourage discussion groups and invite occasional dinner guest speakers from all walks of life to participate in after-dinner discussion groups, amplifying aspects of the "good person".
We value the importance of our members feeling comfortable and safe with friends.
R.U.O.K? is sometimes a good question followed by good listening. Silence is often very important to give people time to think and answer. Perhaps ask it again. In our modern world of intensive communication, people can become overwhelmed by electronic attacks on their thoughts and start to believe their communication aids are their real life, external control of their existence. But rightly understood, they are an intrusion that can take control if we let them. It is the return to contemplative silence and oneness with friends and the universe that enhances our well being and allows our brain to regain control of our wellness as a Good Person. Beliefs, values, morals and ethics; a sense of meaning and purpose; altruism; and a sense of connection to something greater than oneself is of value in every person's life. Understanding takes time for personal reflection and discussion with friends.
Follow your Star helps us to move towards this understanding of "The Good Person".
Take the time to lie down on deck alone on a bright stary night and let your mind do its work.
Talk to your friends and mentors. While you might think it is better to work on ideas and problems by yourself, experience tells us it is always better to talk through both good and bad things with others.
Academy life is built on teams and friendship. Use your team members, your Academy Master or your ship's crew mentor as a sounding board.
Learn to be a good listener to your friends.
Find time for fun and laughter - it massages the inner "feel good".
You are not alone in this game of life. You only get one chance to play.
Let your inner child out often to have fun!
Last Modified on 10/11/2019 14:31