All Registered Training Organisations must include a commercial industry placement with a full work roster to gain the required real work competency assessment.
You can request your training provider to place you with Australian Cruise Academy ships for your commercial industry experience.
Academy provides both:
- Industry placement Statement of Assessment AND
- Reference to your competency and attitude.
We look for both competency and attitude when writing your reference If you receive a good reference from Academy you know we know you are good.
There is no maximum time limit with the Academy to gain assessment as competent. Some gain competency quickly. Some take considerable time.
Trainees join Academy from various training organisations for full-time volunteer residential Scholarship to complete their commercial industry placement in our cruise ship programs. Donations are required to support your scholarship. The value of the scholarship is not taxable income. No employment offer is implied. It is an opportunity for you to gain the essential qualifying commercial experience and competency. It is reasonable that you volunteer your full time and donate to the costs of your placement.
International trainees will require an Australian Marine Crew Visa to enter the ship.
Check our expectations before you arrange your industry experience with Academy Click here
Task book:
- Trainees are required to provide a task book from their supervising Training Provider. This is the statement of commercial experience required for their course documentation. Our Academy Masters will arrange for the required experiences on the ship and endorse the documents accordingly when assessed as competent. Academy has no time limit for you to gain the endorsement of your documents. Academy will not endorse competency unless it is genuine. You can continue with Academy for as long as is necessary to gain endorsement so long as your scholarship support donations are paid.
Trainees volunteer for rostered experience in all cruise ship functions to enhance their endorsement, broaden their experience and gain good reference.
Trainees must take their share in the maintenance of the student living spaces and Academy food service outside of their rostered work time on our Ships.
To receive a good reference, trainees are expected to:
- Request voluntary experience in all cruise ship operations regardless of your training speciality.
- Mix socially with passengers, other trainees and ship's crew to gain maximum benefit from their exposure to a unique commercial environment.
Exemplary behaviour is expected of trainees. Trainees will share general living arrangements with all trainees onboard the ships. They will be supervised by the Academy Master and respective ship's personnel as their mentors.
The "Good Person" is one of our highest expectations. Academy understanding of "The Good Person" is discussed in class at the beginning of your time with Academy.
Shape up or Ship out. This is a residential Academy opportunity with the highest expectations.
Academy provides both reference and statement of attainment. If you receive a good reference from Academy you know we know you are good. Our Academy Masters regularly assess and guide you in your performance. Academy reference only describes what your Academy Masters genuinely observe and assess in your performance in all aspects of your time with us. Your task competency is assessed in training and awarded as a Certificate or a Statement of Achievement. Your attitude, the most important part of the good reference, is noted by Academy Masters and endorsed by the Principal and the ship's Master.
This placement is full-time residential on the ship. Enrolment with Australian Cruise Academy can be extended under terms of our general student expectations.
Your Industry experience scholarship fees contribution for 2019 is negotiated with your Training provider as a daily donation to scholarship paid fortnightly in advance and include a berth in a shared cabin, all meals, industry experience supervision and assessment according to home college requirements. Scholarship conditions require that you volunteer a full-time roster as your industry experience as negotiated with your home College.
Email Principal, or phone 61 418836137 for information on this offer.
Last Modified on 13/07/2019 08:23